Often, the term food poisoning is used for both foodborne illnesses and foodborne intoxication. Today, I’m going to explain the difference between the two and talk about the burden that these illnesses have on societies, especially in the developing...
Mary sent me an email with a news article attached. The article said that 47% of people don’t think that life will ever get back to normal after the Covid-19 pandemic. If you listen to the smallpox episodes, the Spanish flu episode and the polio...
Disinformation is a war waged on the citizens of countries in order to promote dissent and division among the people. We’re all vulnerable. We’re all targets. We’re all in a war that we don’t understand. How is this war waged? Through something...
Campy Show Notes: Cause of Death has a website! Come visit me at http://www.causeofdeath100secs.net. I also have an email address for the show at https://causeofdeath100secs.net. Feel free to interact with me in either place! I’m going to be doing a...
It’s 90 seconds to midnight, my friends and we need to talk. Contact me at the website: http://www.causeofdeath100secs.net Check it out, leave a review, leave me a voicemail or an email. Look at the blog posts. Join my mailing list. There are so many...
E. coli Show Notes: Cause of Death has a website! Come visit me at http://www.causeofdeath100secs.net. I also have an email address for the show at mailto:Jackie@causeofdeath100secs.net. My Link Tree can be found at: https://linktr.ee/CauseofDeathpod...
Roaches Show Notes: Cause of Death has a website! Come visit me at http://www.causeofdeath100secs.net. I also have an email address for the show at mailto:Jackie@causeofdeath100secs.net. Feel free to interact with me in either place! If you have...
Contact me at the website: http://www.causeofdeath100secs.net Check it out, leave a review, leave me a voicemail or an email. Look at the blog posts. Join my mailing list. There are so many ways to interact with me on that site that there’s no excuse...
The 50th Episode of Cause of Death – 100 Seconds to Midnight is here! I really didn’t think I’d make it this far. Go listen, then come back and read some of this awesome research about Dolly the Doomed Dinosaur. Contact me at the website:...
Norovirus Show Notes: Cause of Death has a website! Come visit me at www.causeofdeath100secs.net. I also have an email address for the show at Jackie@causeofdeath100secs.net. Feel free to interact with me in either place! If you have questions for...