April 1, 2023

S5 E10: Food Infections and Food Intoxication: The Season Finale

S5 E10: Food Infections and Food Intoxication: The Season Finale

Often, the term food poisoning is used for both foodborne illnesses and foodborne intoxication. Today, I’m going to explain the difference between the two and talk about the burden that these illnesses have on societies, especially in the developing...

Often, the term food poisoning is used for both foodborne illnesses and foodborne intoxication. Today, I’m going to explain the difference between the two and talk about the burden that these illnesses have on societies, especially in the developing world. About 6.5 million in the US experience the effects of a foodborne pathogen at least once a year, but most of them go unreported since people think they just have the “stomach flu”. Newsflash, that was no flu, that was a foodborne pathogen. This is the final episode in Season 5, Restaurant Rogues, but don’t worry, I’ll be talking about more foodborne pathogens as time goes on. There are a LOT of them. Go check out this week’s episode to find out more about these illnesses and a few more. Cause of Death has a website! Come visit me at www.causeofdeath100secs.net. I also have an email address for the show at Jackie@causeofdeath100secs.net. Feel free to interact with me in either place! Don’t forget that the next episode will be my Podversary episode, and I’ll be talking about what I call the Great Dilemma. The questions that I ask myself before I begin researching every episode that I put out. These are the questions that keep me up at night. It’s my hope that this episode will spark some discussion in the Facebook groups and on Twitter! Talk to me, folks! I’d love to hear from you! That episode will kick off Season 6, all about the diseases of wildlife. It’s called Who’s Who Outside of the Zoo. I’m so looking forward to that season! I’m going to be doing a special 100 Seconds to Midnight episode in Season 7. I’d like those of you who had experiences growing up during the Cold War to talk about those experiences. If you’d like to be a guest on the show, I can arrange that. If you’d rather just write your stories and send them in, that’s fine, too. I can read them. These stories are important, and they need to be heard. Please participate if you can. You can reach me on the website at www.causeofdeath100secs.net or you can email me at Jackie@causeofdeath100secs.net. My Link Tree can be found at: https://linktr.ee/CauseofDeathpod The Difference Between Food Poisoning and Food Intoxication Show Notes: https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/What-is-the-difference-between-foodborne-illness-and-food-poisoning http://www.csun.edu/~cjh78264/foodsafety/pages/fbi1.html#:~:text=Infection%3A%20occurs%20when%20live%20bacterial,a%20toxin%20produced%20by%20bacteria. http://www.fightbac.org/ http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/foodsci/agentinfo/org/index.html http://www.vdacs.state.va.us/foodsafety/index.html http://www.foodsafety.gov/ https://dchealth.dc.gov/service/food-borne-infections-and-intoxications